Air Fryer Steak Recipes With Garlic Butter

Did somebody just say that you can cook steak in an Air Fryer?

Whoever said it, said it right. Getting the consistency of a juicy and tender steak with garlic butter flowing from it is now an option and you will end up licking your finger up until the very end.

A perfect dish for family gatherings, this goes well with red wine as well as some basic sides as we already have our star steak in the picture.

So, let’s not waste any time and get to some cooking.

  • Time required for preparation: 10 minutes
  • Time required for cooking: 15-20 minutes
  • Calories: 375 kcal


  • Garlic (2tablespoons) (minced)
  • Butter (1/4 cups) (softened)
  • Parsley (1 tablespoon) (chopped)
  • Worcestershire sauce (1/2 tablespoon)
  • 2 steaks (1-inch-thick rib eye)
  • Olive oil (1 tablespoon)
  • Salt and pepper (according to your taste)


  • First let get to preparing that mouth-watering garlic butter.
  • Take a bowl and throw in your butter, garlic, parsley, and Worcestershire sauce. Mix well and then transfer it to parchment paper.
  • Roll it into a roll and place it in a fridge so that it takes a firm shape.
  • Now moving on to the steak, remove it from the fridge and rub it olive oil so that it gets coated evenly on both sides.
  • Do not forget to season it with salt and pepper according to your taste and let it marinate in it for about 20 minutes. This will allow the seasoning to sit and absorb into the steak.
  • Prepare your air fryer beforehand to about 400 degrees.
  • When you have acquired the suited temperature, place your steak inside the air fryer basket and cook it for about 10-12 minutes depending upon how cooked you like your steak.
  • Keep on flipping the steak to make sure that it is cooking evenly on both sides. After it is cooked let it sit for about 5-7 minutes in the air fryer itself so that it can absorb the juices.
  • Time to take out that delicious butter out of the fridge and let it slowly melt on the steak.
  • Cook your steak depending upon its thickness as if it is more than one inch thick, then you need to cook it for a longer duration.
  • Place them evenly in the air fryer and not on top of each other.

No matter what the occasion maybe, but a rich and juicy steak is always the star of any party. So do not waste time and get to it.

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