About Us

Hi! First of all, thank you so much for visiting our blog.

My name is Saurabh, and I am the founder of SaurabhAnkush.com.

With SaurabhAnkush.com my mission is to help people achieve freedom and their dream life in this stressful world.

I am sure, you would agree with me, the world is getting very competitive day by day. Everybody is running these days to get the best opportunities in their life. This heavy competition is creating panic in everybody’s life, and we completely ignore finance and health.

The main pillars of happiness, I believe are:

  • Good Family Finance;
  • and healthy body!

These two pillars of life are highly interlinked with each other! And I have a huge belief that without good health you can’t have a healthy mindset to achieve big financial goals. And without good finance, it’s difficult these days to maintain a healthy lifestyle as things are so expenses these days.

Yeah, I am sure, many people will tell you no you don’t need money to have a healthy body. But those good old days are gone, and things are way too expensive, and without good money in pocket we feel terrible, our confidence level decreases way too much, and we start taking too much stress.

No, I am not going to teach you how to have a fit lifestyle with no money.

Instead, I am going to help you to work on two things:

  • how to be fit and active
  • family finance tips like how to earn side income to full income online so that you can easily afford a good healthy lifestyle with NO stress at all!

So, Now.. From today Promise me, that you will work with me on these two life pillars:

  • Recipes
  • Good Finance

and will make your life perfect, just like you always dream. Yes! You can 100% do it, I have full confidence in you.

How to Start?

When you go to our MainPage (here – https://saurabhankush.com). You will find these category options in the top right corner.

  1. Blogging (in this segment you will find all about blogging which we have learnt from our experiences)
  2. Recipes (here you will find healthy recipes list all at one place which you can cook)

Are you having any questions in mind, which you would want to ask?

You can ask me directly here at: contact [@] saurabhankush.com.

Or you can use this form – Contact Us

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