Keto Bread Recipes – Low Carb Bread Recipes for Breakfast

Are you on a diet like me and still wish to enjoy some buns and bread for breakfast? Or are you among those low card fans who are desperately hunting for that low carb bread online?

Whatsoever, the case, try out this quick and easy to prepare Low card bread recipe, and see how you convert your taboo in diet, to a staple!

Beware of Carb Content in Finished Bread Products:

Bread is a big fat no-no when it comes to dieting and opting for low carb products in the market. One single slice of bread bought from the supermarket provides you up to 18 grams of carbohydrates, which is way too much for those dieting buddies out there.

So, beware of Carb Content in Finished Bread Products available in the supermarket. Such bread often contains wheat flour, filled by gluten and unnecessary sugar, which adds on to the weight of people.

Ingredient List:

Collect the following ingredients from baking some low carb bread now!

  • 300 Grams of low-fat curd
  • 8 large eggs
  • 100 Grams of crushed linseed
  • 100 grams of almonds
  • 2 tablespoons of flour
  • 4 tablespoons of bran
  • 1 pack baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds
  • Butter to mould

Tools Required:

Now go in the kitchen and collect the tools mentioned below:

  • baking tray
  • bowl
  • plastic bag
  • electronic hand mixer

Instruction – How to Make:

  • Preheat the oven at 150° for a time of 20 minutes.
  • In the meantime, pour the curd, in a bowl and add eggs, along with the baking powder. Mix it all up with the help of an electric beater until the eggs or the mixture is hard. Add the remaining ingredients and mix the mixture, mix properly.
  • Fold in the butter with the mixture. Now, time to take a baking tray. And Grease it with butter. Dust with a sprinkle of flour, and invert the tray upside down to get rid of the excess flour.
  • Now introduce the dough on the baking tray and sprinkle the sunflower seeds on top of the dough. Put it in the oven to bake for one hour 30 minutes. Once baked and golden brown, take it out, cool and let it further cool in a refrigerator!

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